
March 30, 2020

Fun With Words

Attitude Is Everything
AMAZON: The Wisdom of the Native Americans

“My goal is not to be better than anyone else
but to be better than I used to be.”

“Your attitude is like a price tag
it shows how valuable you are.”

Attitude: noun: attitude; plural noun: attitudes

  • a settled way of thinking or feeling about someone or something, typically one that is reflected in a person’s behavior. (

Antonyms: evolution, exercise, bearing, deportment, movement, gesticulation, manoeuvre, gesture
Synonyms: posture, position, situation, standing, composition, collocation, aspect, pose, lie.

Books with Attitude in the title:

Attitude by Robin Stevenson
“When Cassie comes to Vancouver from Australia for an intensive summer program at a prestigious ballet school, she finds it …
Paperback · Fiction · Children’s Books · 137 pages”
(linked to Amazon: kindle and paperback)
Poetry With An Attitude by Ionia Gunn (A.K.A. Iona)
“This book is an inspirational poem book, filled with a variety of different poems. Some of these poems reflect my life before I met God, some may reflect your live now or what your life use to be like. They all have a special meaning to me. The title of the book is Poetry With An Attitude, because our attitude has to do with how we perceive things, and how we treat one another.” 77 pages
(Linked to Amazon: kindle, hardcover and paperback)

“The soul that sees beauty may sometimes walk alone.” ~ Goethe

“Healing doesn’t mean the damage never existed.
It means the damage no longer controls our lives.
~ unknown

Hope you have a great day!
Thanks for stopping by!!

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linked to Amazon: The Wisdom of the Native Americans by Kent Nerburn; available on kindle, audiobook, hardcover, audio cd; 216 pages, published by New World Library; 1st edition (March 3, 1999); “These thought-provoking teachings from respected Native American leaders and thinkers provide a connection with the land, the environment, and the simple beauties of life. This collection of writings from revered Native Americans offers timeless, meaningful lessons on living and learning.” (AMAZON) I am an Amazon Associate and may make money with qualified purchases. Thank You!

“Silence is the absolute poise
or balance
of body, mind, and spirit.”
~ Ohiyesa

Take care
Stay safe
Much love

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