better said than done

July 28, 2021

I worked on this photo a while ago, but never went any further than saving it. Today, I uploaded it to Pixels…and decided I’d go ahead and share. I’ve got so many other things to share, but for the moment I’m taking a pause…and breathing! Whatever comes to mind is what happens…

more smiling, less worrying

image available at Pixels

Worrying won’t stop the bad stuff from happening
It just stops you from enjoying the good

Hey, at least I’m trying!

Walk yourself out of your bad mood.
Studies show that even a 10 minute walk immediately BOOSTS brain chemistry to increase HAPPINESS.


Sometimes the best thing you can do is
not think, not wonder, not imagine, not obsess.
Just breathe, and have faith
that everything will work out for the best.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Breathe…you’re going to be okay
You’ve been here before
you’ve been this scared
uncomfortable and anxious
and you survived…
Breathe and know you can survive this too…
I know it all feels unbearable right now
just breathe, keep breathing…
this too shall pass
I promise.


~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

is this a sign…when I opened Pinterest to get ideas, this is what was on my main page. Hmmm…. I really need to take my own advice – and breathe! It’s probably not as bad as my brain is making it out to be…

Morning Motivation

Just because you’re struggling
does not mean you’re failing.

hope you have a great day!
thanks for stopping by!!

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Raise your hand if you need a break from life & stress, a li’l vodka or wine, 5 million dollars, flat abs & your own private island


No hitting or biting- to-day!

You know it was a good day if you didn’t HIT or BITE anyone.

~ Nathaniel Parizek, age 4


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“Every experience, no matter how bad it seems, holds within it a blessing of some kind. The goal is to find it.”

~ Buddha


take care
stay safe
much love

I really had no intention of doing this today
…but it happened!

8 Comments on “better said than done

      • Yes! Although I’m quite used to neighbors all around. Although I don’t know them well, they are friendly, thank goodness!

      • There’s only 4 other houses on my street. I really only know my farmer neighbor, the others are friendly but don’t really know them.

      • I think it’s kind of sad. Growing up we would know our neighbors. I’ve met a few in my neighborhood since I started walking in my neighborhood almost every day.

      • Everyone’s gotten so busy…and lately, paranoid…and it is sad, bc I think the day is coming (soon) that we will need our neighbors.

        Of course, we have a chain across our driveway with no trespassing signs. They probably think that includes them. For years we had trouble with people “parking” and dumping trash, including condoms and whatever else. At first I had two logs across the driveway and would move them whenever we went out. They were stolen, so we put up posts and a chain, which I was going to do anyway.
        Of course, if someone really wanted to come back here they could walk or hop the curb…the chain is just a deterrent. But if someone comes back here they know they’re trespassing and better have a darn good reason!

      • Well, that may prevent a friendly neighbor from knocking on your door 😐 Too bad you had to block the road.

      • It was either that or pick up trash all the time…nothing like walking with your son to catch the school bus and finding trash everywhere, and having to explain. I’d rather be safe than sorry 😖

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