World population (1)

December 21, 2022

(internet image)

On December 19, at approximately 845 in the morning the world population was…


world population

current population: 8,006,275,180
– births: 133,905
– deaths: 67,053
– population growth today: 66, 852

(internet screenshot)

Taking a screenshot is pretty much the only way I can give any numbers, as the numbers are always changing.

On December 21, 2022 at approximately 10am the numbers were…

World population: 8,006,652,843
– births: 156,167
– deaths: 78,201
population growth today: 77,966

so, since my last check there has been a population growth of: 377,663…in basically 2 days, that’s not a whole lot, but the population is growing.

The population growth this year, at approximately 10:45am 12-21-2022:

Births this year: 130,116, 721

Deaths this year: 65,156,359

Population growth this year: 64,960,363

(internet screenshot)

they don’t have 2021’s details listed, for whatever reason…

In 2020, the world population was 7,794,798,739
In 2022 (December 21, 2022), the world population is: 8,006,652,843
With a growth of: 211,854,104…since 2020

If you would like to check out the numbers live, for your region, or whatever, you can click on the link provided: world population clock

I had mentioned earlier that I hoped to post the world population, I just wasn’t sure how it would work – I’ve got a lot going on right now. So, as of right now…I won’t be doing this daily. More than likely a couple times a week, I’m thinking two, maybe three times. I’m pretty much stuck in the house right now…with it being so cold out, and my arm/shoulder still giving me a little trouble, I can’t do much. My arm/shoulder seems to hurt the most right after I wake up, probably from being inactive while I’m sleeping. After an hour or so of waking up, and getting meds in me, I’m able to do things. My arm/shoulder’s not getting any worse, so that’s a good thing.

(internet image)

I’m not sharing this info to try to prove anything or scare anyone. I honestly want to see what is going on with the population. Over time, we will see what is going on. From what I see, population growth has slowed way down. The world population only grew by almost 212 million people in two years (approximately 106 million a year since 2020), that’s not a whole heck of a lot!

hope you have a great day!
thanks for stopping by!!

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