Tag: sunshine blogger award

you are my sunshine, my only sunshine ( a sunshine blogger award)

September 13, 2020 “It is the artist’s job to create sunshinewhen the sun fails.”~ Romain Rolland Hello all! Wanted to share with you that I have been nominated for another sunshine blogger award and I am very grateful!! Thank you to Lisa at https://weirdsareword.wordpress.com/… Continue Reading “you are my sunshine, my only sunshine ( a sunshine blogger award)”

Sunshine blogger award

July 17, 2020 “Don’t let the shadows of yesterdayspoil the sunshine of tomorrow.Live for today.”~ Nandina Morris ~ I have no idea if Nandina Morris is related…maybe, maybe not! I’ve been nominated by Off Shore Writer for the sunshine blogger award. Thank you, for… Continue Reading “Sunshine blogger award”

Sunshine Blogger Award

Very Much surprised to find that I have been nominated! Thank You, Beate! https://linienspiel.wordpress.com/2020/01/28/sunshine-blogger-award/ I always enjoy your posts! The rules : Thank the blogger (s) who nominated you and link back to Their blog. Answer 11 questions the blogger asked you. Nominate 11… Continue Reading “Sunshine Blogger Award”