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A baby mouse, a happy cat and Gerry Garcia

Feb 23, 2020

What do a mouse, a cat and Gerry Garcia have in common? Nothing really, except…I was listening to Garcia while I was uploading new videos to youtube. Did you know that Garcia started out in bluegrass? If not, you can listen here. (Stoney Creek) Also, The Nitty Gritty Dirt Band, if you feel like listening to a little bluegrass… a lot more people started out in bluegrass, or have dipped their fingers into it, than you might think…

and then there’s a cute little mouse, below…

(Amazon: The Short Novels of John Steinbeck)

These pics were taken all the way back in 2018. Isn’t he – or she – cute?’s a mouse and there’s a pretty good chance it got eaten, either by my cat, the barn cats next door, or a hawk or something! We have plenty of critters around that will eat mice, including snakes.

AMAZON: Three Blind Mice and Other Stories by Agatha Christie)

I have no idea what was wrong with this mouse…it kept trying to climb up an electrical chord on the deck, fall down, then try again. If I remember correctly, we finally got a broom and swept it off the porch. I’m not sure if these pics were taken before or after. I think before…but I can’t be certain.

AMAZON: Let’s Pretend That Never Happened by Jenny Lawson)

I’ve told you my cats a good mouser! Here he is playing with a mouse, and very content (below) after eating it. Ugg…most of the time I can’t get the mouse away from him before he eats it. Nothing like fresh meat?

AMAZON: Cat and Mouse (Alex Cross book 4)

I was going to upload a video of him playing with a dead mouse and then eating it to youtube, but I decided not to. Little kids and all…

I have to warn you…don’t look at the next picture if you are easily grossed out or offended. It’s just a cat with a mouse in its mouth, but I thought I’d warn you. Nothing truly disgusting! 🙂

The mouses eyes are buggin’…
There’s A Mouse Hiding in This Book (Tom & Jerry) by Benjamin Bird
*couldn’t help myself, saw Tom & Jerry and had to include it!! 🙂

We haven’t had any mice in the house for a couple of years now. At least since 2018! And we haven’t seen any signs of ’em, so I’m guessing we have enough critters around to keep the mouse population down.

Tomorrow is…

February 24, 2020
National Tortilla Chip Day

Hope you have a great day, night or evening
where ever you may be!
Thanks for stopping by!!

to see what photos/art I have available, click on any link below…


and youtube (I have uploaded some new video, so if you want, check them out)

Everything has beauty
but not everyone sees it

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