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Reporting for Duty

Dec 6, 2019

Two ducks

standing at the ready

willing to take action

when the call comes

or maybe they are just asleep

~ HCMorris

Tomorrow is National Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day, National Illinois Day, National Rhubarb Vodka Day, Skywarn Recognition Day, and National Cotton Candy Day.

National Rhubarb Vodka Day: Rhubarb Vodka was originally introduced in the United States of America in 2010 by Maple River Distillery in historic downtown Casselton, North Dakota. Rhubarb grows locally and gardeners love it. The idea grew to infuse Rhubarb into Vodka.  The results were an instant hit and the distilled beverage enjoys popular enjoyment across the USA. I think I’ll take my White Russians, please!

Skywarn Recognition Day: acknowledges the contributions of public service volunteers who provide essential weather information as it’s happening.

National Cotton Candy Day: dates back to the 1400s; also called candy floss or fairy floss; during the 18th century, cotton candy (spun sugar) was first recorded in Europe. At that time, it was very expensive and labor-intensive. Generally, the average person could not afford to purchase cotton candy. Then in 1897, Dentist William Morrison and confectioner John C. Wharton invented machine-spun cotton candy. Their invention introduced cotton candy to a wider audience at the 1904 World’s Fair as Fairy Floss. Fair goers loved it and bought over 68,000 boxes for 25¢ a box. (

“The image of a person completely covered in cotton candy made me laugh the most.”

~ Unknown

Hope you have a great day, night or evening,

where ever you may be!

Thanks for stopping by!!

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