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in a world of my own, everything is nonsense

September 7, 2020

Before I really get started I have to tell you that I took a break this morning. Not my usual routine…and as I was sitting there I noticed a baby deer – a fawn, barely any spots – in the back field. Then mamma and another baby with light spots appeared. I must have sat there pretty close to an hour and just watched them.

And, while I didn’t get any photos, I really needed that!

Sometimes, it pays to break away from the norm…and watch nature, losing track of time.
Nothing else mattered…

“Nothing is lost…
everything is transformed.”
~ The Neverending Story

fun with words

“We have nothing to lose
and a world to see.”

“Begin at the beginning
and when you get to the end
then stop.”
~ Lewis Carroll

“I haven’t been everywhere,
but it’s on my list.”
~ Susan Sontag

“But I’m always dreaming,
even when I’m awake,
it is never finished.”
~ Peter S. Beagle ~
“The Last Unicorn”

A lie gets halfway around the world before
the truth has a chance to get its pants on.
~ cool funny quotes ~

“I can’t go back to yesterday
because I was a different person then.”
~ Lewis Carroll

~ When life is stressful, do something to lift your spirits…
go for a drive, go two or three thousand miles away.
Maybe change your name.

“Only the right name gives beings
and things their reality. The wrong name
makes everything unreal.”
~ The Neverending Story

“Every real story
is a neverending story.”
~ Michael Ende

“And she had this weird habit of always being herself all the time
That’s why not everyone liked her.”
~ unknown


He stole my heart so I’m planning a revenge…
I am going to take his last name.

“Forgive me my nonsense,
as I also forgive the nonsense of those
that think they talk sense.”
~ Robert Frost

Friendship is…
being able to talk nonsense
and have that nonsense respected!

My son and were shopping for his birthday the other day and I told him that he had xx amount of money still to spend. He said “Plus ten dollars.”
“No,” I said. “We spent that at the movie store.”
“Oh, there’s still $10 in my wallet.”
So, we checked his wallet, and upon opening it he said,
“Looks like I have only cents.”
I busted out laughing! cents…sense…”Looks like I only have sense!”
“At least it’s common sense!” I added, still laughing.

hope you have a great day!
thanks for stopping by!!

The Bare Necessities

Look for the bare necessities
the simple bare necessities
forget about your worries and your strife
I mean the bare necessities
or Mother Nature’ recipes
that bring out the bare necessities of life

take care
stay safe
much love

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