Warm Milk and Honey

Nov 14, 2019

Makes me sleepy! So I will be laying down – again – when I am finished! But I thought I’d share the benefits of warm milk and honey!

taken Oct 29, 2019

Skin Care

Both honey and milk possess antimicrobial and cleansing properties. Use of honey masks are effective for relieving acne. These properties are used when the two are taken together. Numerous cleansers are prepared using milk and honey because the mixture gives the skin a healthy glow. One can also enjoy a bath of milk and honey, by mixing them in equal quantities in water. The combination is often used in spas throughout the world.

taken October 14, 2019

Aids in Digestion

Honey is a good source of prebiotics, according to a study published in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. Prebiotics are nutrients that stimulate the growth and development of probiotics, the beneficial bacteria growing and developing in our intestines and digestive system.

Prebiotics has demonstrated a stimulatory effect on bifidobacteria, a type of probiotic found in milk. The carbohydrates and oligosaccharides in honey help promote healthy and proper function of these beneficial bacteria, which are are essential for the healthy maintenance and function of the GI tract. When the bacterial balance in the digestive tract is good, it eliminates a number of irritating conditions including constipation, cramps, and bloating.

taken October 20, 2019

Boosts Stamina

A glass of milk and honey every morning is thought to improve a person’s stamina. Milk contains protein, while honey contains the necessary carbohydrates required for an effective stimulus of metabolism.

Animal proteins from milk are broken down into basic amino acids by enzymes and are then reformed to create usable proteins for humans. The excess material in this transformation is then oxidized as usable energy. Proteins are an essential part of the human diet, and honey helps to stimulate their metabolism. – I would guess that you wouldn’t warm the milk and add honey. A glass of milk and a slice of toast with honey on it, maybe?

Bone Health

As research on honey continues, it is gradually becoming clear that honey acts as a carrier and transporter of nutrients from food throughout the body. Specifically, honey has shown itself to be integral in the body’s acute uptake of calcium, of which milk is a rich source. This is noted by a study performed on rats by Dr. Merlin Ariefdjohan of the University of Colorado in the United States.

So, consuming honey and milk together will not only give your body the necessary nutrients (i.e. calcium) to benefit your bone health, but will also maximize its absorption in the body. Proper calcium levels can prevent conditions like osteoporosis and inflammation of the joints.


Reduces Insomnia

Honey and milk have both been used as remedies for insomnia and sleeplessness in alternative medicine. Individually, they are both effective, but the effects are strengthened when taken together. Honey is one of the rare sugary foods causing a controlled increase in the amount of insulin being secreted, which also promotes tryptophan to be released into the brain. Tryptophan is normally converted into serotonin, which induces a feeling of relaxation. Furthermore, serotonin is commonly converted to melatonin, a well-researched sleep aid. A negative impact of tryptophan depletion on sleep continuity is well demonstrated in one study published in Psychiatry Research. Thus, honey and milk can be used to reduce sleeplessness.

  • Anti-aging Properties
  • Antibacterial Properties

Does Honey Become Toxic In Warm Milk?

Honey does not become toxic when added to warm milk. However, honey should not be heated to temperatures higher than 140 degrees, according to a study published in the Ayurveda journal Ayu. According to the researchers, the honey, when heated, produces a toxin called hydroxymethyl furfuraldehyde (HMF). It is recommended to add the desired amount of honey in warm milk, rather than hot milk, to get the full health benefits of this combination. So enjoy your cup of honey and milk!


Hope everyone is having a great day so far!

Thanks for stopping by!!

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Life if beautiful!

even if you’re sick and sleepy!!


I’m going to try to do my 430 post, but it might be later than normal. The warm milk and honey is making me very, very sleepy!

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